Monday, March 23, 2015

Charcoal makes me happy :) 
(First one was from High School as a part of one of my AP Studio Art finals..
Second piece is from a drawing class here.. My Bernini project)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

So I saw this outside the school a few terms ago with my roommate.. I was both mesmerized and confused.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Yurp... It's official. My yellow Windows laptop is down for the count. I've tried everything!! A system restore, a reboot.. It just died on me one night while I was working on a project for mixed media.
Sigh... This does not bode well for me. I figured it was about time...
That thing IS 10 years old after all (my friends kept calling it a dinosaur!!) hopefully, I can invest in a MacBook this spring break. Guess we'll just wait and see!
(Posting from my phone is not fun. :-/ )
More pieces from Phil's Elements and Principles of Design class. Come back Phil, we miss you!rhythm

Shape (not my best work...)


Good times. Goooooood times from Elements and Principles of Design with Phil.
I doubt these are all the projects. But off the top of my head, they are Balance, proportion/scale, emphasis, texture, shape, rhythm/movement, amongst others!
First term projects at AI York!

Okay... This is NOT mine. But wow, I wish I could sculpt like this!!
Tyler School of Art, Temple University, 2012
Scratch board is strangely therapeutic...
Wow. These are from my first term of college... Ohhh the memories (and crying because I could not get hands right for the life of me..
RIP: Spock.)

For my Concept Development Class... Create a Book cover/bookmark centralizing the topic of NIGHT. Top picture: working drawing done in colored pencil
Second picture: Final bookmark advertising NIGHT
Third picture: final cover done in Illustrator with text added in Photoshop
Remember the "Type as Image" project? this is a new project for my Typography class using Bookman Old Style font.
Blast from the Past PT 1.5: type as image thumbnails.
Meh. Nothing too impressive. But really, sketching out your work is the best way to get started on anything new.

Blast from the Past PT I: Concept Developement. Type as image projects done in marker and ink! (I can see the second one in a sophisticated Starbucks. No?)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Photos for a new project: Animal Scratchboard! (Mixed Media)

Okay... So since my computer's broken, I can only rely on both my phone and iPad to help me post blogs... Both of which are NOT very useful.. I hate this thing.
Hello, all, welcome to my art blog, just so you know, this is NOT my tumblr or Facebook account...
Here I post a good deal of my art so feel free to look!
If you would like me to do any commissions, please contact me at